Exponential technologies are transforming the world, with wide-ranging implications for economies and societies. Business is at the centre of an epic race – not just to commercialize these technologies to tap into new sources of revenue and profit, but to fundamentally reimagine its role and license to operate in a world of great global challenges. How can technological and business model innovation deliver on the promise of building a better future?
The course Creating Sustainable Value in the Fourth Industrial Revolution is set against the backdrop of the twin-challenges of technological progress and growing socio-economic distress. Technologies from artificial intelligence to synthetic biology and advanced robotics are blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological worlds, overwhelming institutions, and leaving societies exposed to new risks. Meanwhile, growing geopolitical competition, a looming climate and biodiversity crisis, and rising polarization eat away on our ability to tackle these issues, while increasing the propensity for armed conflicts, cyber warfare and culture wars.
In this volatile, uncertain and complex “new normal” businesses not only face existential pressures on revenue sources and operating models; they also face challenging questions from governments, consumers and investors on how they create value and serve the greater good.
This course provides participants meaningful concepts and applicable insights into the questions, dilemmas, opportunities and risks leaders face as they strive to create sustainable value in a world of technological disruption and societal disarray.
Upcoming Dates:
University of Geneva, February 2023
Past Dates:
Technical University of Munich, November 2023
Technical University of Munich, July 2021